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NEED For BABA- Continued ...

Ashtaang Yoga - Course of Meditation

Eight Limbs of Yoga –

  1. Yama (Principles or moral code): a. Ahimsa - A principle of non-violence; b. Satya - A principle of Truthfulness; c. Asteya - A principle of non stealing; d. Brahmacharya - Continence / celibacy; e. Aparigrah - A principle of non-hoarding or non-possessiveness
  2. Niyama (Personal Disciplines): a. Shoucha – Purity; b. Santosh – Contentment; c. Tapa – Endurance; d. Swadhyaya- Self study; e. EshwarPranidhan- Dedication
  3. Asana - (Yoga Postures / positions) A stable and comfortable posture which helps attain mental equilibrium.
  4. Pranayama - (Yogic Breathing) Extension and control of breath.
  5. Pratyahara - (Withdrawal of Senses) A mental preparation to increase the power of mind.
  6. Dharana - (Concentration on Object) Concentration of mind on one object and its field.
  7. Dhyan - (Meditation) Withdrawing mind from all external objects and focusing it on one point and meditating on it.
  8. Samadhi - (Salvation) State of Super bliss, joy and merging individual consciousness into the universal consciousness.
Realization of God is the ultimate achievement for Human Birth.

Gyana Yoga – Course of Knowledge –

This path of salvation is conducive for the intellectual class of persons. It caters to those whose intellect is awakened to question the very origin of the world. What is the world all about? What is the meaning and purpose of life? What is essential reality? Who is God and what relation he has with this world?

The course of Knowledge (Gyana Yoga) helps to draw answers to all these nagging questions. Gyana Yoga is not merely cramming of spiritual knowledge from textbooks and scriptures. Not stuffing the brains with thoughts and ideas of precept and preceptors. Gyana Yoga is an internal discipline, training the intellect to think, to reflect, to contemplate upon the Reality. A yogi has summarized it very beautifully in one potent statement : “Nitya anitya viveka vichaara ( nitya means ‘eternal’, anitya means ‘non-eternal’, viveka is ‘discrimination’ and vichaara, ‘reflection’). It means ‘reflection on the distinction between the eternal and ephemeral’.

Gyana yogi is ceaselessly reflects and contemplates on the distinction between the permanent and impermanent aspects of life. What is terrestrial and what is transcendental? A human being grows through different stages of life and he calls himself a child at one stage, a boy in another stage, a youth, a man and then an old man. All these stages were distinct and different from one another. They were all impermanent, transient, changing factors. But the only factor which remained constant, permanent, and unchanging was the “I –am-ness” the state of being or the existence per se.Gyana yogi recognises and remembers only one Reality in the multiplicity of life. He perceives unity in diversity and observes the play of un-manifested divinity in the manifested phenomena of this world.

In the thirteenth chapter (from verses 8 to 12), Bhagavad Geeta enumerates twenty distinct qualities that pave the path of knowledge. These are the essential ingredients of true knowledge. The more one perfect these virtues, the more one comprehend the play of divinity in this world.

When a cosmic body (Kaaran Sharira) merges with the Universal Consciousness he can manifest Miracles with his Physical and Astral Body. The Greatness of the Godliness depends upon The spiritual credit accrued by him. The miracles vary from curing physical, mental, emotional and financial difficulties; playing with nature; to granting Salvation to someone. This is subject to the eligibility of the person who comes to such a great GURU. A person with a true Guru stands a better chance of achieving this.

There are many rivers but only a few get to merge with ocean .Anything that travels along with such river also gets to merge into the ocean. Same way if any disciple who has total and unconditional surrender to such a master also gets merged with his source i.e., GOD – Bhagavad Geeta4.34.

Though, India have had many seekers, only a few were able to realize the GOD.Their unconditional love towards one and all,as well as the irmiracles helped the public at large to reaffirm their faith in GOD..These saints did not preach but made people learn through their deeds.

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